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BIGA has pioneered a groundbreaking gaming solution where players can own game levels as assets, earning USDT from subsequent players. This innovative approach transforms gaming into a scalable income stream, akin to online poker's impact on the poker world, poised to revolutionize the industry with mass user adoption and support from influential streamers.


1. KYC 완료


2. 구매 $GAME


3. 스테이크 $GAME


4. BSC 체인 선택


모든 준비가 완료되었습니다!




• 001


• 002


• 003


• 004


• 005

Token metrics

• 006


• 007


• 008

모든 데이터는 프로젝트 팀에 의해 제공되며 주기적으로 업데이트됩니다


BIGA has built a genuine world’s first solution with huge implications for gaming. They’ve turned levels in games into assets you can own. 

Players pay to play fun games like any traditional arcade. The key difference is if they get the best score on one of the levels, the smart contract acknowledges their wallet as the new level owner. Now all the revenues from other players paying to play are automatically sent to the new level owner. 

Each level is like a new income stream that earns USDT. The more levels you own the more USDT you make. 

This creates a world’s first scalable solution that could do for gaming what online poker did for poker. Enable millions of players to compete in gaming to earn money. Their goal now is mass user adoption and they have hundreds of streamers ready to begin sharing their arcade full of new P2E games.


  • BIGA is the only arcade where you can capture and own levels and earn money from them
  • BIGA is the only platform you can earn USDC or ETH residually
  • The more levels you own, the more money you make.
  • The more players who play your levels the more money you make.
  • Win games, capture levels, earn money. 
  • The arcade token BIGA is 100% backed with stable coins so you can cash in and out all your winnings, always.
  • It is the ONLY fully sustainable and scalable p2e gaming platform.


The token itself is also a world’s first implementation. It is an erc20 that acts similar to a Uniswap LP token, with an isolated decentralized cashier and a perpetual deflationary component tethered directly to the arcades usage.

The cashier acquires BIGA from the secondary market exchanges like Uniswap when it needs to replenish its token reserves to resell to gamers looking to play in the arcade. We have designed a unique world's first decentralized cashier. BIGA acts similar to an LP token on Uniswap. You deposit USDT and you claim your BIGA. With the BIGA you can now play any game in the arcade. When you’re finished you can take all the BIGA you’ve won and swap them for the USDT in the decentralized cashier. 

To access the arcade, gamers must purchase BIGA tokens and use those BIGA tokens for currency for each of the games. The token is fixed at 0.10c per unit, mechanically enforced by the cashier. This protects the game economy from any price fluctuation in the secondary market, while also ensuring the arcade has full liquidity at all times without any central party holding users funds. This ensures players can always cash in and cash out full freight without having to trust any central party as well as audit the financial balances of the arcade without permission. 

By using a token our arcade can instantly globalize its payment rail enabling users anywhere in the world access to play these fun p2e games and also redeem their winnings free of friction.



Our cardinal innovation is a novel smart contract implementation named LOLIPOOLS, an acronym standing for Level Owned Liquidity Pools. This incentive mechanism takes inspiration from Ethereum’s most successful application, Uniswap and its automated market maker execution. - On Uniswap, pools are built to support trading pairs, users are incentivised to contribute capital to those liquidity pools in return for a portion of the fees generated by traders. On BIGA, pools are built to support levels, instead of contributing capital to earn trading fees, gamers compete to own that liquidity pool outright. Once owned, gamers capture all the money in that liquidity pool and continue to earn all the money that liquidity pool generates.

Decentralized Cashier - The cashier acquires BIGA from the secondary market exchanges like Uniswap when it needs to replenish its token reserves to resell to gamers looking to play in the arcade.

Token metrics

  • Seed Price: 0.00016
  • Seed Valuation: $8M

  • Public Price: 0.0003
  • Public Valuation: $15M

Listing Price: 

  • TGE Initial Market Cap: $500k
  • TGE Fully Diluted Market Cap AKA Valuation: $20m



Founder - Paul Mak

Macro Investor and Proven DeFi builder.

Lead Game Engineer - Timothy Young

Over a decade of experience in software development and a robust background in computer science, procedural generation, software development patterns, and game design principles.

Lead Web developer - Michael Huynh

Lead Smart Contract developer - Nhat Tran

Lead Operations - Morgan Davies

Game Developer - Dylan Jansen

Game Developer - Steven Tan

Community Manager - Job Musyimi

General Manager - Rob Darcy

토큰 및 통화

통화 판매
366666666 BIGA
110000 USDT
VIP 티켓 크기
티켓 크기
1500 USDT
Gamestarter™, GGXYZ™ ,Dark Frontiers™, OverTrip™, PixelPix™
는 등록 상표입니다. 모든 권리 보유.
다음 국가의 참가자/시민은 IDO에 참여할 수 없습니다: 이란, 이라크, 벨라루스, 리비아, 수단, 시리아, 짐바브웨, 미얀마, 북한, 크림, 러시아 연방, 미국 (USA), 푸에르토리코, 버진 아일랜드 및 기타 미국 소유지 (“금지된 관할 구역”).

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