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Brickken enables tokenization by providing an all-in-one platform with user-friendly tools and features, making it easy for companies to tokenize and self-manage their digital assets.


1. Complete KYC


2. Buy $GAME


3. Stake $GAME


4. Select (BSC) Chain


You're all set gamer!




Brickken enables tokenization by providing an all-in-one platform with user-friendly tools and features, making it easy for companies to tokenize and self-manage their digital assets.

Outline for Participating in Brickken's IDO on Gamestarter:

1. VIP round: 

• Open to $GAME stakers only. 

• The round works on a FCFS basis - First-come, First-served. 

• Minimum amount of $GAME to be staked is 30.000. 

• Max ticket size is $5.000. 

• Covered by Gamestarter Protection Protocol. 

2. Private round: 

• Open to $GAME stakers only 

• The round works on a FCFS basis - First-come, First-served. 

• Minimum amount of $GAME to be staked is 1.000. 

• Max ticket size is $500. 

• Covered by Gamestarter Protection Protocol. 

3. Public round: 

• Open for everybody (stakers + non-stakers). 

• This round is optional. 

• The round works on a FCFS basis - First-come, First-served. 

• All remaining tokens from the Private round will be up for sale. 

• Non-$GAME stakers will receive 90% of tokens bought with a 10% fee deducted in the project token bought and are not covered by Gamestarter Protection Protocol. 

*$GAME stakers with a minimum of 1,000 tokens will receive 100% of the amount bought and are covered by Gamestarter's Protection Protocol. However, unstaking $GAME during vesting incurs a 10% fee on current and future vestings, as monitored by the contract (applies to all rounds).


The Token Suite empowers the project by providing a wide range of capabilities. It enables the creation of the project's digital assets and offers the flexibility to create customized tokens that align with its unique requirements. The suite also facilitates the establishment of a token economy, allowing the project to design and implement its own ecosystem.

One of the key strengths of the Token Suite is its ability to ensure compliance with regulatory frameworks in any jurisdiction. This feature provides peace of mind to the project, ensuring that its token issuance and operations adhere to legal requirements.

The suite also simplifies the deployment process by enabling the project to launch its tokens on the Ethereum blockchain within seconds. This swift and secure deployment ensures that the project can establish a solid foundation for its digital assets.

In addition, the Token Suite equips the project with tools to create enticing offers that reach the public. It supports the acceptance of both crypto and fiat currencies, broadening the potential investor base. The suite further facilitates the creation of a dedicated landing page, serving as a platform for selling the project's tokens and enhancing the user experience.

To maintain transparency and compliance, the suite allows the project to review the Know Your Customer (KYC) information of potential investors. This functionality ensures that the project can onboard investors while fulfilling regulatory obligations.

Real-time monitoring of campaign progress is a crucial aspect, and the Token Suite provides the project with comprehensive analytics and reporting features. These tools enable the project to track key metrics, gain insights into performance, and make data-driven decisions to optimize its token offerings.

Managing digital assets on-chain becomes seamless with the Token Suite, which provides access to a suite of management features. This empowers the project to efficiently handle corporate actions, distribute earnings to investors, and effectively manage its treasury operations.

With the comprehensive capabilities offered by the Token Suite, the project can unlock its full potential, streamline operations, and create a thriving token ecosystem that aligns with its objectives.


The project's marketing strategy for acquiring token issuers revolves around utilizing a combination of SEO, PR, and content marketing tactics. This includes collaborating with PR and marketing agencies, as well as leveraging the Brickken Ambassador Program. Additionally, the project taps into the communities of its partners, participates in conferences, and runs an in-house affiliate program to generate leads.

To effectively target different industries, market segmentation is employed, allowing for the creation of customized marketing messages and materials tailored to the specific needs of potential clients. For example, the project may develop specialized lead generation programs tailored specifically for startups.

Once leads are generated, a systematic approach is taken to nurture them. This includes implementing email marketing campaigns, providing sales consultation, and engaging leads through retargeting efforts across various social media and display networks.



The project's tokenomics aim to create a robust and sustainable ecosystem for the token, offering various loyalty incentives, burns, and monetary uses. Here are the details of the tokenomics:

Their token has a maximum supply of 150,000,000 tokens and no new tokens will be issued after launch, giving it a deflationary nature. This is to maintain control over the value generated by the protocol, reward early adopters and keep the ecosystem in check.

They have designed 3 loyalty and benefit incentives:

  • Expert staking: allows experts to gain extra positioning by becoming stakers.
  • Investor discount: offers cash back in BKN for investments made in token offerings listed on the marketplace.
  • DAO staking: promotes this methodology for institutional users investing in the web3 space and allocates voting rights based on the amount of tokens staked.

For monetary value, they have 3 main purposes:

  • Issuance fee
  • Expert hiring
  • Secondary market P2P buy/sell

To mitigate early sell pressure and encourage token holders to maintain their positions, the project has implemented the following measures:

1. Community Staking Program: A staking program is offered to participants who contributed during the community sale. The program locks liquidity for 12 to 24 months after January 2023, allowing the protocol to grow organically as trading volume develops.

2. Liquidity Pool Contract: A smart contract is established for the first 12,000,000 BKN tokens used for tokenization. This contract creates a value relationship between BKN and USDC, derived from the 3% success fee. The mechanism is released in tranches of 3 million BKN tokens each, incentivizing holders to retain their BKN tokens by increasing the value of the platform.

These tokenomics elements are designed to drive the value and utility of the token, incentivize token holders to actively participate in the ecosystem, and ensure a sustainable growth trajectory for the project.


The project sustains its operations through various revenue streams:

1. Issuance Fee: To utilize our decentralized application (dApp), issuers are required to hold a minimum of $5000 worth of BKN tokens to create their tokens. This fee is collected by the protocol and later distributed within our Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), providing a consistent source of revenue.

2. Success Fee: Once the token issuance process is completed, and the distribution and crowdfunding of the token commence, the protocol charges a 3% fee on the total amount raised. This fee serves as compensation for the services rendered by our infrastructure, ensuring ongoing revenue generation.

3. Experts Commission: Issuers have the option to hire various service providers, such as marketing, legal, and finance experts, to support the success of their token offerings. The protocol acts as an intermediary and charges a 20% commission on the fees charged by these experts for the introduction and escrow services provided.

4. On-Ramp and Off-Ramp Fee: In order for investors to participate in projects listed on our protocol, they need to convert their funds into cryptocurrency. We have integrated with liquidity providers to offer direct exchanges, allowing investors to seamlessly convert fiat currencies to cryptocurrencies and vice versa. For these transactions, the protocol charges a 0.5% commission, contributing to the revenue stream.

5. Secondary Market Fee: Once the token is issued, token holders can engage in buying and selling activities on our peer-to-peer (P2P) secondary market. The protocol collects a commission on each closed order, creating an additional revenue stream.

6. Token Management Platform Fee: After the launch, issuers utilizing the token management dashboard will be subject to a fixed monthly fee of $45 in BKN tokens. This fee provides access to advanced features, including pre-issuing tokens and integrating with third-party decentralized applications (dApps) and protocols through our open API.

These revenue streams collectively ensure a sustainable source of income to support the ongoing operations and development of the project.


The project's product roadmap outlines the development and operations plan for each quarter, along with associated growth in the token's utility. Here is the roadmap:

Q2 2023:

Debt Tokenization UUPS Proxy

Debt Token Offering UUPS Proxy

Token Store Template - Investment Analytics Page

Token Store Template - Dividends Claiming Page

Token Panel - OTC Token Distribution

Token Panel - Token Store Analytics Page

Q3 2023:

Token Panel - AUROX Wallet Provider Integration

Token Panel - DEMO TESTNET deployment

Governance Management UUPS Proxy

Token Panel - Debt Token Creation Wizard

Token Panel - Debt Token Offering Wizard

Token Panel - Debt Token Store Creation

Token Panel - Debt Token Holders Management

Token Store Builder - Referral System Management

Investment Portal - Live token sales leaderboard

Investment Portal - Portfolio analytics system

Experts Marketplace

Q4 2023:

Token Panel - Governance Management System

Token Store Template - Governance Voting Page

Token Panel - Investor relations management system

Token Panel - Token Supply management system

Token Panel - Token Allocation management system

Token Panel - Token economics simulation system


Community round

Seed Price: 0.08$

Seed Raise: 2.000.000 $

Seed Valuation: 12.000.000 $

Strategic round

Private Price: 0.10$

Private Raise: 2.500.000 $

Private Valuation: 15.000.000 $

Public round 1

Public Price: 0.11$

Public Raise: 880.000 $

Public Valuation: 16.500.000 $

Public round 2

Public Price: 0.13$

Public Raise: 1.040.000 $

Public Valuation: 19.500.000 $


Listing Price:0.16$

IMC: 2.744.444$

FDV: 24.000.000$


- Community Round: 0.00% vested at TGE, with staking or 12 months lock after TGE.

- Warchest: 0.00% vested, with a 12-month lock after TGE.

- Team: 10% vested 1 month after TGE, linear vesting over 36 months after listing.

- Liquidity Vault: 10.00% vested, distributed every time 1 million BKN is reached.

- Advisors: 0.00% vested at TGE, with linear daily vesting for 12 months after TGE.

- Airdrop: 100.00% vested at TGE.

- Strategic Round: 0.00% vested with linear vesting over 12 months, with a 6-month lock after listing.

- Public Round 1: 5.56% vested over 18 months linearly.

- Public Round 2: 20.00% vested over 12 months linearly, with 20% vested at TGE.

- Community Incentives: 0.00% vested at TGE, with vesting at 6 months (600k tokens), 12 months (1mm tokens), and 18 months (1.4mm tokens) after TGE.


The project has established partnerships and agreements with various companies and organizations in different sectors. Some notable partners include:

Auditing Smart Contracts:

- Certik (Website:

- Omniscia (Website:

Wallet Providers:

- Aurox (Website:


- Masterblox

Law Firms:

- Ecija (Website:

- GMT Legal (Website:

- Schindlers Lawyers (Website:


- Grant Thornton (Website:

Valuation of Startups:

- Equidam (Website:

Crypto Payments:

- Onramper (Website:

Strategic Partner:

- STO Market (Website:

These partnerships provide expertise and support in areas such as smart contract auditing, wallet solutions, marketing, legal services, consulting, startup valuation, crypto payments, and strategic collaboration.


The team of Your Project consists of highly skilled professionals with expertise in various domains. Here are the key team members:

1. Edwin Mata - CEO: A serial entrepreneur, blockchain lawyer, and lecturer with experience in the web3 ecosystem. He has created educational programs and advised startups. (LinkedIn: [Edwin Mata]

2. Felipe D'Onofrio - CTO: A self-taught blockchain expert with a strong technical background and over four years of experience in blockchain-based technology endeavors. (LinkedIn: [Felipe D'Onofrio]

3. Yassir Haouati - COO: A digital entrepreneur and engineer specialized in blockchain and cryptocurrency. He is a lead expert, lecturer, and consultant in the Web3 industry. (LinkedIn: [Yassir Haouati]

4. Pedro Sandoval - CFO: An economist specializing in corporate finance, decentralized systems, and behavioral economics. He has a passion for tokenomics and business modeling. (LinkedIn: [Pedro Sandoval]

5. Bram Duindam - CMO: A marketing professional with expertise in cross-channel marketing campaigns, performance marketing, and growth hacking techniques. (LinkedIn: [Bram Duindam](

6. Ludovico Rossi - CRO: An entrepreneur specializing in security tokens, project scouting, go-to-market strategies, fundraising, and lean growth. He also lectures on business in the web3 industry. (LinkedIn: [Ludovico Rossi]

7. Elisenda Fabrega - Head of Legal & DPO: A lawyer and Data Protection Officer with expertise in corporate, contractual, and compliance matters. She focuses on finding creative legal solutions in the digital world. (LinkedIn: [Elisenda Fabrega]

8. Dario Lo Bublio - Head of Blockchain: An experienced blockchain developer and security researcher. He specializes in creating real-world product models and accelerating blockchain adoption. (LinkedIn: [Dario Lo Bublio]

Together, this diverse team brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to Your Project, covering areas such as entrepreneurship, blockchain technology, finance, marketing, legal, and more.

Token & Currency

For sale in currency
384616 BKN
For sale in USDT
50000 USDT
VIP Ticket Size
Ticket Size
500 USDT
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